About Me

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I was raised in California, where my family ranched along with my parents raising us 5 kids, sometimes a few extra with them involved in foster care. I remember as a little girl how I loved watching my Dad ride...especially the gritty horses. He has a special way with horses. I knew from a kid that I wanted to marry a Cowboy...so I did. Although I haven't been a Wyoming Wife for long, my husband and I live an exciting life together. Not only are we partners but were the best of friends. These are going to be stories which include my emotions (which as a female they seem to be on the fritz sometimes!), days gone bad, and days that ended absolutely perfect. All in all...this is just a journal of my crazy, beautiful life as a Wyoming Wife.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Advice from a big sister to a little sister

As your high school graduation approaches you're going to be off in a big world and for a little while it's going to be all about being free, finding yourself, making memories with friends, staying up late and probably drinking a little too much...and that's perfectly alright. 

I just want you to know these things-

Marry a man who will dance with you, wether it's in a loud bar dancing to some cover band, on the front porch with the music playing in front of your whole family or in the kitchen and your favorite song comes on the radio. Be with a man where you are unapologetically YOU and he is unapologetically HIM. 

Your siblings will be with you until your old, be nice to them while they are young. They will always be at every back yard barbecue and sometimes with a busy work schedule and growing up you really get to missing them. They're your first best friends and we should all be on the same team. 

Call your grandma and just tell her hello, we keep getting older but a grandma will always be the same. 

Listen to our Papas tell stories, it's stories of the good old days.  

Learn to be a good cook, everyone loves a cook. 

Always keep a little stash of cash somewhere safe for the days where you don't feel like yourself. A pedicure really is good for the soul and you can never get those cute little flowers painted perfectly at home. 

Spend money on nice jeans, the ones that make your butt look fabulous. Life is to short so go ahead and buy the purse too. 

Take care of your skin and never sleep in your makeup. 

When making big choices listen to Mom and Dad. They've been in the same place that you're in now. You don't even have to take their advice, but listen wholeheartedly. They love you and want the absolute best for you. 

Sometimes not having a lot money can be the most memorable times of your life. Papa always says the best recipes come from poor folks...and I believe that to be true. 

My porch light is always on, my house is always open and we can cuddle up on the couch anytime and watch chick flicks or girl code. I'll always be a phone call away and if you need it, I'll be a drive away to come whisk you away from all your troubles.

In this life I want you to find yourself, be confident in who you are, create and live carefree, travel and then settle down with the one you love but never forget where you came from and the special place that you call home. 

I love you little sis. 

"You're strong just like I prayed you be"



Monday, October 21, 2013

Dream Chasers

Last night we were up late skinning our hunters trophies, and I realized a lot of things-

Happiness is found in a new knife.

Companionship is one of the most important things.

Never skin an animal wearing fleece.

Always cherish every late night conversation with your lover, you talk about things that you wouldn't during the day.

Laughter really is the best medicine, it's good for your soul.

We're just two people in love, chasing our dreams and investing every bone and ounce of hard work we have to make our wishes come true.

I call us dream chasers. 

~Wyoming Wife

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunrise & Burning Hide

Crisp early mornings had arrived, the ones where you can see your breath and hide your nose in your silk wild rag. 

You’re busy inside getting all of the things ready for the day. I grab his favorite bridle, a silver inlaid B/B bit, the headstall he had been wanting since our weekend getaway to Cody, WY.  A year had passed and the headstall still hung on the store wall.  I just happened to have the extra cash and picked it up for him.  Reins that had been braided by his Dad when he sat quiet at Elk Camp listening to the rain make music on top of the old tin camper. 

He had loaded up the horses, and waited for me in the driveway.

Don Edwards playing through the speakers and we both catch ourselves singing ‘Coyotes’.  We’re driving down I-25 watching the sun rise together.  Two nice horses in the trailer we could have never been able to afford if we didn’t start them ourselves. 

Branding season has come and gone, calves were doctored, young horses learned, and your older horses got even better. 
I will always be thankful for the sunrise and the burning hide that brings friends and neighbors together. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Inspires You?

I find all of my inspiration during the day from the falling leaves, flakes of snow that appear like glitter, the tangles in a horses mane, antlers hanging proudly in someone’s living room.  The special moment you have with someone, barn wood lying in the wild prairie grass waiting to be picked through.  Window frames hanging on by a rusty nail, sheets of tin that were left and forgotten.  Strands of rolled up barbed wire, that have the consistency of fried bacon.  Wooden crosses where someone’s loved one was once laid to rest.  Music coming through your speakers, finding its way to your soul.  Rusty bailing wire and the stars at night.  The moon hanging low.  The color blue, the same color as his eyes.  The color of sagebrush and savoring the smell.  A four inch saddle horn and rawhide reins.  The perfect bit, stamped by a great maker.  Coyotes singing, singing you to sleep.  Rain drops against your bedroom window along with the chill of the night.  Turquoise jewelry embellished with crosses and the color black.  Laughter filling the room and smiles on beautiful faces.  Old couples at the local café, you know the ones you see every day.  Sunsets, the ones that make you bow your head. 


What inspires you?
~Wyoming Wife

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why I Didn't Decorate For Fall

I guess it’s time to get out the Christmas decorations now; I had no problem taking down my fall decorations.  I have totes upon totes of cute little scarecrows, pumpkins and wreaths.  They usually hang perfectly from the walls and shelves reminding everyone that enters my home that I have too much time on my hands and that fall is here with its warm colors, changing leaves and crisp air. 

This year, I didn’t have too much time on my hands; the totes are still in the office closet awaited to be brought out for next year.  Why didn’t I decorate this fall?  …oh I did.

A camouflage pack frame was on the front porch, reminding me that it’s hunting season.

Our wild rags misplaced all over the kitchen counter, reminding us that we had things to do outside.

Our coats hung from the bedposts, telling us that the air really is crisp and it would just be an inconvenience to hang them up after each use.

Our scotch caps rarely leave our heads and when they do they lay on the kitchen table ready to be used again.

Our bridles are hanging in the entry way, handy to get to when needed.

Our boots are near the front door, with mud on the bottom.  Mucks, Packs, Danners and Uggs ready to protect our feet when we need to brave the weather. 

Winter gloves sit on the dryer, easy to get to and near the front door.

The boots dryer is near the kitchen table, ready to dry our wet boots after a long day in the weather.

Tracking collars and shock collars are also on display, ready and charged for each morning we head out.

All of these things say fall, and this year I just didn’t have much time to put out my November decorations on display.  I was reminded every day that it’s fall with all of our necessities.  This year that’s what my fall decorations were. 

Oh and by the way, here is the awesome Deer I got this year.  My biggest one yet...I say that with every Deer, but this one will be a hard on to beat! Happy Fall my friends!
~Wyoming Wife

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Happy Heart

I’ve been striving to be the best person I can be, to do everything with a joyful heart and to seek the positive through the negative filter sometimes life puts before us.  For instance this morning my truck wouldn’t start, I didn’t get upset.  I thought to myself a lot of people in this world don’t have a truck to start…I embraced the day looking forward to getting housework done and quite honestly staying in a pair of raggedy shorts I would never dare leave the house in. 

I have found myself more positive and ever thankful for the tiniest little things I have in my life, because they aren’t tiny things.  These little blessings that we care so much about make up every aspect of the person we are.  So be thankful for the miniature things in life.

I often take things for granted, when I was a little girl my dad asked me to get him a glass of ice water.  I was comfortable on the couch, I didn’t want to get up…we’ve all been there.  That’s when my grandma looked and me and said, “I would do anything in the world to be able to get my dad a glass of water.” With a happy heart, and those words hit so close to home a lesson was forever learned to never ever take people for granted for the reason that one day you won’t have the opportunity to do something so simple for them. 

So go make your husband dinner with a happy heart, make someone’s favorite apple pie, and don’t moan and groan when you have to fold his underwear and iron his jeans.  Someone out there in the world would love to have another chance to cook their husband dinner or go get their Dad a glass of ice water. 
Do everything with a happy heart, and you will find yourself happier. 

~Wyoming Wife

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A man that has lived, seen and heard.  He comes from Old Mexico and worked his way North roping cows, fixing fence, shearing sheep and trading stories.  He rides a Paint horse named Angel with a pretty fancy saddle that I’m sure took months of savings to buy.  He enjoys Tequila and Coors Light from the can and fine Mexican ladies. 

He has lived in some deep-rooted houses, with nothing but mere windows and a few ghosts that would appear in the heart of night.  The echoes of jingle bobs would awaken him from a deep sleep.  He would rise and look around and ask who was there, but no one would answer…just a cold draft would find its way into his home.  The echoes of past cow punchers determined to never leave.

Years ago, when the days were good he would live at cow camp miles and miles from town.  He would hunt for his food and cut the meat right off the bone to cook.  I think he day dreams of the Curry Meadows.

He is one of the best when working and sorting pairs.  He knows more about his rope than he does himself.  He is never in a hurry.  He is our friend Jesus, from Old Mexico.
~Wyoming Wife